My IT Nightmare

Last night was the worst.

Getting to leave the house for the first time in almost a week was the perfect reward for me to have a good time. All I wanted to do was to meet some cute bachelors and potentially getting some phone numbers. I had all of my tools and strategies loaded and ready to fire. I figured my writing notebook would seem appropriate since I’m currently brainstorming ideas for my new short story and bring it with since I could also people watch while completing my man mission, a.k.a MMM.  The hair and make-up didn’t make me look like a clown.  The super extra padded push-up strapless bra, Check. Tight white t-shirt showing off my midriff, Check. Include low ride jeans and new boots, Look Completed. I was ready to go out, guns blazing, and determined to have a guy flirt with me at the bar. I approached the bartender and asked for a whiskey sour and positioned my chair at a slight angle, in order for me to circulate the whole room. Laid down my notebook, flipped my hair; bring it on boys.

Within five minutes being in there, a guy turned to me and started to ask me about what I was writing down. Wow, I can’t believe that worked! And he’s pretty cute. Granted, he had a few beers in him but that couldn’t hurt my chances…or so I thought. He seemed intrigued and pushed more questions about who I’m writing to, if I was looking to get published, and why I want to write. Our conversation continued with him asking me about the subject matter I was thinking about writing. I told him about my new writing project about people’s concepts and fears about death. Which was probably the wrong thing to say because he went on the biggest emotional rant I had ever witnessed by any male at any public setting. He preached about his non-religious views, screaming “What the fuck God? Why wasn’t it me who died?” This guy has to be out of his mind, how do I get out of this hell hole? I gave pleading looks to the female bartender and looking for the escape button. He brought up his profession as an IT. I have the worst luck with those guys. This went on until he burst out the fact that he went to his best friend’s 5 year old son’s funeral last week.

I couldn’t believe what I brought onto myself. His eyes were tearing up every time he mentioned that little boy, his best friend, and how awful he would feel if that happened to his own newborn son. He made me feel so uncomfortable, saying horrible things like “If it happened me, I would be in here, drinking my life away until I didn’t want to leave anymore.” Having a recovering alcoholic for a mother, I was extremely bothered by that comment. I couldn’t look him directly in the face after that and thought Please just leave, go home to your baby boy and stop terrorizing the  young women at this bar. At least he commented my writing ability and thought it was good idea. Since he couldn’t wrap his mind around the thought of death happening. By the time of his long overdue exit, both bartenders kept apologizing to me about what they described as the worst they had seen all night. I felt so special after hearing that.

Was I looking to score? Yes.

Was I hoping to run into a man like that? No.

Did I get better ideas about my short story? Shamefully, yes.

I can only hope that I have better luck next time. Keep calm and pray to the dating Gods that they can find a better match. For now, I just have ideas that I need to develop into actual fiction.

75 down, so many more to go

Tonight, I finally completed a personal project I have been working on since June 18th 2013. Mostly consisting of poems because it was challenging for me. Personal memoirs, essays, and opinion blurds are my specialty but I never became interested in poetry. I tried to enjoy and read poetry when I was much younger. Even wrote some songs with my Fender guitar when I was still able to play. I remember taking my first creative writing class, my nerves were excited, in my senior year of high school. The poems that my teacher had to assign to us to write were as if the teacher didn’t understand the different techniques and forms exist in English language. We weren’t even writing works that we ordinarily thought of first, just steaming from the teacher’s ideas and nothing else. I was so disappointed in poetry that I wanted to give up on it forever. Until I became an extra semester senior at Bradley University. I felt like I only had one more shot to get it right; I figured, I’m an English major at a fine respected school, what’s the worst thing that could happen. Three different and unique professors diagnosed my problem over the course of 4 months, although it felt like it was overnight. I was finally realizing to turn away from writing sappy poems about lost love and wondering when everything in life went wrong and started to write the truth about myself in different styles and fresh ideas were popping into my head. It’s important to be well educated in your field, especially if it challenges your writing ability. I couldn’t be more grateful for that and for the people in college who properly showed me the way to be a well rounded writer.

Fresh Off the Presses

I graduated college on Saturday, something I never thought would happen. Let alone in 4.5 years. I’m blessed, happy, and grateful for my parents for saving their money and caring enough about my brother and I to get us through college DEBT FREE. Tears fill my eyes as I post that because I know where things could have gone horribly wrong in my time at college but it didn’t. Someone out there thought I deserved a chance to become better than I was at 18 years old. Thank you, thank you, thank YOU my parents, for allowing me the experiences, people, and memories I will never forget that make me who I really am right now.

The nerve to graduate


Funny how everything change,

now that all is wanted,

nothing is ever the same.

Physical diploma awaits

For those who earned it,

achieved something great,

rare, exciting, the end of things,

things coming at the ends of

party dresses and winter coats,

red cheeks and butter lips

walking down the University,

not looking for any trouble,

something to snip while

time walks right through


Should You Connect Your Blog to Your LinkedIn Profile?

So insightful and helpful. I need to start doing this soon so I appreciate the 411.

The Daily Post

Many bloggers are already enjoying the benefits of connecting their sites to their social networks via Publicize. Sharing your posts on Facebook and Twitter might be a no-brainer — clearly, all your friends and followers want to read your latest piece of staggering wit. But what about professional social network LinkedIn?

Here are some points to consider before you decide to push your blog’s content to your professional profile, too.

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