You Win Some, You Lose Some

The post college life is difficult.

I have had three jobs in the past two months and I’m praying to keep my current job as a sales associate job at New York and Company. I just don’t get what I’m doing wrong. Half of the time, I feel timid with people giving me instructions and the other half I feel lost, almost like I’m drowning in my own confusion. I keep trucking along, smiling, and trying to be happy. But it’s so damn frustrating not getting the results you have been hoping for.

At least guys are interested in me.

Almost two weeks ago, after I found out about my job offer from New York and Company, I went out with some of friends in town for Pi day. Anyone who is from St. Louis knows about this “holiday” due to the fact that the numbers spell out our area code, which is 314. So, we went out and hard in paint I might add. I had two different guys buy me shots and one of them danced with me and asked for my phone number. That was a huge confidence booster. Three days later was St. Patrick’s Day. That was legendary. Myself and two of my girlfriends went near the Central West End to get some dinner and drinks. The three of us were waiting in line right behind three, beer holding bachelors. As we approach the first of the line, one of the guys asks if we would join them for dinner. A triple date?!?! How often does that happen? I would say as close as someone getting the NCAA college basketball bracket correct. It was not only a fun time, but they also asked for our numbers so we can get together with them sometime in the future. It was an awesome feeling leaving that restaurant because I would have never thought something like that would happen, but it did.

Faith has a funny way of showing its cards, whether it’s in your social or professional life. I just hope something better comes along that I can stick with.

Happy International Women’s Day!

This post is celebrating women empowering women everywhere, or as I like to call it: A True Best Friend Just Knows: Part II.

Being at home and away from college means appreciating your friendships more. With most of my “Bradley peeps”, I go through periods where I text them every-so-often so that I’m not bugging them and still keep in touch. But there are those friendships, the few and proud, that I need in my life more than Girls, YouTube, and coffee combined.

Here is another example of how close college friendships can be wonderful!


I had a Stein nightmare. He gave me a C in his class and told me to never write again.


Awww poor thing! He would never do that in real life.


I also had a dream I was back in high school. What the heel, brain? I think it’s mad I stayed sober to do homework last night. Missed its regular Thursday night brews.


Your brain must miss the good times of being in school. Haha, my brain likes me, I had my brew last night and it was much deserved.


Niiice. Ugh, I think I’m just excited about visiting. I know it’s only for a night but it will be epic!


Definitely will be! I am so excited!! It’s too bad you’re not staying the whole weekend though.


I know. 😦 I would but because of my schoolwork, it just wouldn’t be wise.


Totes understand


Is Jamar coming down to?


He is! I’m not sure about your husband though.


Ugh. I wish my husby was but alas, he can’t come. Jamar is on my last nerve. He has been super creepy as of late.


Cuz of his job? How super creepy are we talking? Cuz I haven’t heard from him in a while.


And well, there was the whole ‘don’t go to Topeka’ and he makes comments on my Facebook, calling me ‘sexy’ and stuff like that, and I just delete them. He’s doing to me what he used to do to you.


Really?! I have never see those comments on your Facebook. I remember when he did that to me and I would be so annoyed by it. Ugh, he really needs to grow up and move on.


That’s because I delete them.

I just worry he’ll get touchy feely and make his usual jamar comments. I’m sick of it.


I hope not. He knows you have a boyfriend, so he better leave you alone. If he comes after you, I would playfully grab your ass and tell him, ‘She’s my Valentine, so back off buddy cuz you’re not getting any from her!’


Yes, Chad too. He thinks we’re going a v-day date. I dunno, I just want to see you. I’m just using Chad for the ride which is so bitchy but yea, I have a boyfriend so stop hitting on me.

I’m Liz’s Valentine.


That’s sad of him to think that, what a chump. That’s how I feel! We planned this a month ago and now, everyone is dog piling on. I just wanna see my Valentine! And besides, women use men for stuff all the time. Nothing surprising there.


I love you. Really, I do. That text was perfection.


Lol, I go the extra mile you, love.

A Balancing Act About Becoming A Woman

Life is all about choices and balance. We decide when we want to look for a job after we have watched too many shows on Netflix or (if you’re smart enough) apply for 15 jobs and later on, reward ourselves with a glass of wine and watch some HIMYM. Before I was shipped off to the real world, I would go on YouTube and watch hours of videos before I decided it was ‘a good time’ to start my homework. Now-a-days, responsibilities weigh more heavy on your shoulders and mental state before you even start to think about watching the new episode of ‘The Walking Dead’

Some day, you have just a coffee for breakfast, a chicken salad for lunch, and fish for dinner. Other days, you have a donut for breakfast, cheesy soup and ALL OF THE BREAD for lunch, toasted ravioli for dinner, and then eating half a plate of cookies just because. But I bounce back from those type of days. Sure, I use to worry about what my body looked like and how other people would judge me, but those days have been behind me since August, 2013. I care enough about my health, not my appearance.

Next time someone wants to hang out for a few hours, think to yourself, ‘What would make hanging out with you worth it?’ You know you would have a good olde time with your friends; that’s not the issue. Is is worth spending quality time with that friend if you haven’t felt fulfillment within yourself? That’s the real test.